Advanced capacity building program for the basic services package and its coverage through strengthening systems by holding monthly meetings with the awareness team that was formed from employees within the Abdul Moneim Al-Riyadh Primary Health Care Corporation and the neighboring school health Abdul Moneim Al-Riyadh School and Al-Qabili Health Complex in order to know the latest monthly activities and the problems they face and present the project plan in the coming months and provide them with some packages of training programs and scientific material and logistical support in order to implement the program
Time period: 5/2/2024 – 31/12/2024
Target number: 5,000 citizens
ACCESS Team: April Foundation members – Staff from Abdul Moneim Riyadh Health Complex – School Health Staff from Abdul Moneim Riyadh School – Al Qabailiya Health Complex
Target group: School students – visitors and patients within the primary health care complex
Partnership :
